Thursday 30 March 2017


Humans as a race are not reliable. There. I said it. You've probably been thinking it anyway, but I had the guts to say it out loud. We as a race are plain and simple selfish. Our self preservation reflex will make us do things for our own selves way before we actually do something for someone.
Don't agree with me?
Feel like you're actually a person who gives to the needy?
No. Honestly speaking, you're not. You're actually more selfish than other people in that case. Cause think about it. You gave money to that beggar when you had no dirth of it. Would you have given money if you had less of it yourself? Simple answer- NO.
I'm not saying you have to be poor. I'm just saying you had less at that very moment itself.
Lets say you're going home, you see a beggar. And you feel you're a nice guy who's always been kind, so you'd probably say 'Yeah. I'd take out my wallet and give him money'. Great job.
But here's my question. You're a teensy bit hungry and you're left with 30 bucks only on your way home. That 30 bucks will buy you a plate of momos- something you've been craving since morning. That amazing taste of steamed momos, piping hot on a plastic plate, served along with that spicy-ass red chutney. You know what? You feel like cheating on your diet, so you also want that creamy mayonnaise along with it. You'll dip that steaming momo right into the middle where the two chutneys meet and put it straight into your mouth. Bliss right? Totally.
That's what you wanted. But look into my eyes and tell me honestly. Would you see that beggar and give him your 30 bucks?
I know you. You won't. Go ahead- say yes. But you won't. The momos were just an example. Replace it with something you really crave and answer me then.
And its fine. Completely fine. Nobody would. They'd rather say "Bhaiya paise nahi hai" than make that sacrifice. That's just us as humans- we'll think about our own selves first.

Take another instance. A boy asks a girl out cause he really likes her. She also likes him, but doesn't agree to the date as she foresees this relationship getting serious, and her parents will not agree to the relation. So if it has no future, why give it a chance? A flower that won't bloom anyway, why let it grow? Best to chop it off and let it die.
But here's the thing. She didn't say no cause it has no future. She said no, cause when that point in time will come, when she has to separate from the boy, that moment she will feel a hell lot of pain. To spare herself from that emotional pain, she decided to not get attached in the first place- just so she doesn't have to feel that heartache. Self preservation strikes again.

There are no deeds that humans do that are actually kind in its truest sense. Even giving to the poor is a selfish deed. Most people will boast that they gave something to a needy person. And that makes it selfish. They want people to think they're kind, and that's why they did it.
According to psychology, a drowning mother will try her best to save her child first. But when she starts to lose buoyancy, even she will use her child as support to push herself up, and only then try and save the child.
These instincts in us are evolutionary, and they obviously come to us naturally. This self preservation has managed to keep us alive as a race for half-a-million years. But the thing is we do not require it anymore. We are no more living in jungles where we need to protect ourselves from anything. We do not need to keep ourselves alive by hook or crook. Society is our new jungle now. This world that we've successfully created for ourselves is very different from what our survivalist ancestors had. We do not need those same instincts anymore. What we need is people looking out for each other. Putting your wants and desires below the need of others. People sharing, being kind, thinking outside of their own self interest. That is how we can survive this new jungle. Its the only way forward. Its the only way we'll survive. Think about it.

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